Sunday, October 6, 2013

You're Invited: To a Scenic Dinner Party with the Best Banana Bread EVER

My parents had a dinner party at our country house and I was in charge of the table decorations. 
This means, 
                    of course, 
that I took this job very seriously.
I decided to give it an earthy or "one with nature" vibe. 
The flowers were from my front lawn and the leave bunches were handpicked by me from a random bush. I was praying throughout the party that a spider would not climb from the leaves onto a diners plate. That would have been TOO earthy. 

As the air gets slightly colder I find myself baking more and more. I must say that I do not really enjoy baking, at least in the way that some do, but I do really enjoy eating, and unfortunately those come hand in hand. 
Luckily for me I found a balance in the form of banana bread. 
Banana bread does not take too long to make or bake and you can make it in large quantities that if frozen will last a long time. This means that you could be eating banana bread from one batch for months. 

Luckily for you
I have found the best banana bread recipe to ever walk the face of the internet. 
All you have to do to find it is click this button 

I made the chocolate chip banana bread for this party and it was DEVOURED 
one of the guests wanted to take a loaf home.

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

The Collared Necklace

Recently I have been on a DIY kick.
My most DIYed thing (if that is even a word) has been collared necklaces.
Collared Necklaces are in style and easy to make but mostly I have been making them for school.
Now, you are probably confused.
How would a collared necklace have anything to do with school?
Well, if you go to a school with a dress code and the dress code is a solid collared shirt you might start to understand.
If you don't, don't worry I will explain it now.
I have run into an issue of finding a solid collared shirt that is not horrendous looking. By horrendous I mean a shirt that a. is not ugly and b. does not look like Lily Pulitzer on a golf trip and c. is comfortable.

I came up with an idea at the end of the summer to take a comfortable solid shirt of some sort and make some collared necklaces and wear those as my school shirts.

It is a really simple design to create.

Materials needed: 
Tacky Glue or Mod Podge and a Hot Glue Gun
Glitter/Denim/Pearl Beads
Instead of attempting to explain how to make these things myself I decided to post the tutorial video that I watched to make it. 
LaurDIY makes great and cool DIY videos. 
Check her out. 
If you make your own collared necklace email me a pic @ 
If you do not want to spend the money on the materials or something like that then email me _> about buying one from me. 