Wednesday, October 2, 2013

The Collared Necklace

Recently I have been on a DIY kick.
My most DIYed thing (if that is even a word) has been collared necklaces.
Collared Necklaces are in style and easy to make but mostly I have been making them for school.
Now, you are probably confused.
How would a collared necklace have anything to do with school?
Well, if you go to a school with a dress code and the dress code is a solid collared shirt you might start to understand.
If you don't, don't worry I will explain it now.
I have run into an issue of finding a solid collared shirt that is not horrendous looking. By horrendous I mean a shirt that a. is not ugly and b. does not look like Lily Pulitzer on a golf trip and c. is comfortable.

I came up with an idea at the end of the summer to take a comfortable solid shirt of some sort and make some collared necklaces and wear those as my school shirts.

It is a really simple design to create.

Materials needed: 
Tacky Glue or Mod Podge and a Hot Glue Gun
Glitter/Denim/Pearl Beads
Instead of attempting to explain how to make these things myself I decided to post the tutorial video that I watched to make it. 
LaurDIY makes great and cool DIY videos. 
Check her out. 
If you make your own collared necklace email me a pic @ 
If you do not want to spend the money on the materials or something like that then email me _> about buying one from me. 

1 comment:

  1. These are SO cute! I've been wanting to make one for a long time...I might have to do it now :)
    Crazy dress code...
