Wrap dress
See what I did there?
Sum-more like some more and summer at the same time.
Clever, Clever.
Anyway I have decided to write a letter to summer in hopes that by sharing my feelings it will come faster.
Dear Summer,
Come faster.
If you don't it might be a disaster.
Goodbye school.
Homework is cruel.
Especially when you can be swimming in the pool.
I would give up class any day
to feel again the sun's strong waves.
Bring me bikinis and sunnies galore
I will trade you for those large puffy coats I no longer adore.
Summer hear me out.
as my problems foldout.
four days is too long to wait.
come on lets negotiate.
How about two days?
The ending is a little rough but I am working on it.
Love the poem :) Perfectly describes this time of year...